Bikini Laser Hair Removal
Why shave or wax when you can laser?
Laser Hair Reduction offers a convenient alternative to the hassle of regular shaving and waxing by providing patients with a reduction in unwanted hair growth on face or body.
LHR Or Laser Hair Reduction is one of the most common and most famous cosmetic procedures in India. Laser hair reduction works by aiming the hair follicles with short pulses of light energy. This light from laser is absorbed by melanin in the hair follicle under your skin and reduces the re-growth of hair. The process is completely safe and leaves the surrounding tissue unharmed.Say goodbye to the unwanted & recurring body hair with laser hair reduction services.
It’s hard enough to feel confident in a bathing suit without stressing about embarrassing shaving bums or hair streaks. Get the hair removal done on the Bikini Line with a pain free and stress free course. Our laser specialists can remove as little or as much hair as you wish, while paying particular attention to your comfort. First the hair is destroyed from underneath the skin, and sheds out completely. Afterwards the skin pores close leaving only smooth sexy skin. No more shaving, waxing, bumps, razor burns.